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Chór Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu "ARS CANTANDI" - ARS CANTANDI

Wroclaw University of Economics Choir "ARS CANTANDI"

Zip code53-345
AddressUl. Komandorska 118-120
Phone number
Choir typechór mieszany
Age Groupstudenci
Exists since2004
Languages of communication English, German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian,
Entered 2015-07-23
Updated 2022-09-11
Moderator Andrzej Ledwon
Emilia Ryczek
Roksana Wiśniewska
Anna Grabowska-Borys

Days and hours of choir repetitions
Mon and Thu at 19.00-21.30; ul. Komandorska 118/120 53-345 Wrocław
Chór Ars Cantandi Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu tworzy grupa ludzi o rozmaitych pasjach, połączonych uwielbieniem muzyki poważnej i niepoważnej. Zespół z sukcesami koncertuje zarówno w kraju, jak i poza jego granicami, wzbogacając życiorysy chórzystów o wspaniałą artystyczną przygodę. Ars Cantandi to możliwość rozwoju muzycznego zarówno dla początkujących, jak i posiadających doświadczenie muzyczne. Ars Cantandi to chór akademicki kierowany zawodowo przez Annę Grabowską-Borysw przyjacielskiej atmosferze.

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The Ars Cantadi Choir is made up of young talented and highly involved students and graduates of Wroclaw University of Economics. We are a big family, extremely passionate about singing. Our young, charming and charismatic conductor Anna Grabowska- Borys inspires us every day to work hard and discover new singing challenges.
Our first CD coming soon!

Stay tuned and follow us on FB, Instagram & our webside:


The most important choir's successes are:

• 1st prize at The 13th Carols Choral Festival in Bedzin, 2007

• 1st prize at The 10th Choral Festival in Lodz "Cantio Lodziensis", 2007

• 2nd prize at The Choir Competition "Legnica Cantat", 2008

• 1st prize at The 2nd Venceslaus Samotulinus Choir Competition, 2008

• Golden dilpoma and Special Award from Polish Radio of Pomerania and Kuyavia
at 4th Passion Song Competition in Bydgoszcz, 2009

• Grand Prix at 7th Choir Competition in Brodnica, 2010

• Grand Prix at 9th International Felix Nowowiejski Choral Music Festival

• 2 Bronze medals in categories: Mixed Choirs and Chamber Ensembles
at 16th International Choral Festival of Preveza, Greece 2010

• Golden diploma and Special Award from Kujawy and Pomorze University in Bydgoszcz
at 5th Passion Song Competition in Bydgoszcz 2011

• Special award for the performance of a contemporary work (Eli, Eli by A. Tucapsky)
at 7th PAPARATS KVETKA International Student Choir Forum, Minsk, Belarus 2012

• 1st prize in the category Mixed Choirs at 21st Carols Festival, Myślenice 2013

• 2 Gold medals in categories: Sacred Music and Spiritual, Gospel & Pop at 41st Festival
of Songs Olomouc 2013, Czech Republic

• 1st prize at Ohrid Choir Festival in Macedonia (Ohrid), August 2013

• 1st prize in the Mixed Choirs category and the award for the distinctive conductor
at Vratislavia Sacra Festival, Wroclaw, Poland 2014

• Silver Diploma in category Mixed Voice at Rimini International Choral Competition,
Italy 2014

• 3 Gold Diplomas in categories: Mixed Choirs, Sacral Music and Pop at 9th International
Johannes Brahms Choir Festival and Competition in Wernigerode, Germany 2015

• 2 Gold Diplomas in categories: Folk Music, Sacral Music at 6th "Canco Mediterrania"
Paul Casals Choir Competition in Barcelona/ Lloret de Mar, Spain 2016

• Golden Diploma in the Mixed Choirs category and the award for the distinctive conductor
at International Gdansk Choir Festival, Gdansk 2017

• Silver diploma and second place in Liviu Borlan International Choir Competition, Baia Mare, Romania, September 2017

• 2nd Prize in XXXVIII International Festival of Orthodox Church Music „Hajnówka 2018” in Białystok, Poland May 2018

• Golden Kliros and an Award for the best performance of a Polish composer's piece in the IInd Oleśnica Festival of Slavic Sacred Music "Głagolica", June 2018

• Ist Prize on Ohrid Choir Festival, Macedonia, August 2018

•Golden diploma and Ist place in the category of mixed choirs, award for the best performance of the piece of the Bydgoszcz composer - "In Te Domine Speravi" by Łukasz Urbaniak, special award from the Head of the Department of Music Education, Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Akademy of Muzyczna in Łódź during the Second Choral Competition Musica in Urbe, Bydgoszcz, April 2019

• Golden diploma in the IV Claudio Monteverdi Choral Competition, Italy, October 2019
We perform very different repertory from sacral music to pop music. You can hear us a capella and with orchestra, in mixed, female or male configuration.
We are very open for cooperation and looking for partners as well. If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact us via email: dyrygentkae@wp.pl (PL, ENG) or arscantandi.wroclaw@gmail.com (PL, ENG, GER, ES)

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