Choir: Fundacja Chórtownia
Country: Poland
Starting date: 2015-07-13
Available translations:
Improved logging into Chórtownia portal
For our users we have simplified logging into our portal. Please get familiar with changes!Logging in
1. You can use email instead if login2. There is a function "forgotten password" on the main screen. You can order new password, that will be sent to your email. Sometimes it doesn't work due to som servers' restrictions, that treat our email like spam.
3. Users' accounts can be linked with Facebook - that you will be able to log in with facebook credentials. WE DONT HAVE for your facebook password - this way of logging in is fully secure. You can find a tool for linking your account with Facebook in secion "My profile" , plced in the left menu (but first you have to log in "normally").
4. If you lost email as well as password, and the function "forgotten password" doesn't work - don't worry! We can set new password if you wirte us an email for the address (containing at least your name and surname, so that we coud identify your account) or call us at +48 32 3354007 Mon-Fri, 9:00-16:00 Warsaw time.
Other functions
Besides the above, we have modified a lot of portal functions in the last half year:
In choir's profile
- language versions: you can put description transtlations into separate windows and the user will be automatically shown his language (if available). Here you can see the example: adding age group for the profile
- adding checkbox for professionals/amateur choirs
- adding the field for film from YouTube
Choir's profile is often used by festival organisators, so it is important to keep it up-to-date, with nice picture and film with your performance that you are proud of. Contact data are also essential.
In concerts
If you happen to perform in Poland, you will like the information, that a concert once announced in our portal, is visible automatically in other event portal, which increases the range your information. Anyway, announcing a concert in Chórtownia makes that all choral community visiting the page is informed about it.We recommend filling the field "organisatior" with your choir's profile whil announcing your concert - if you do so, all concerts (and also other news) will be seen throgh your choir's profile making automatically an archive.
In festivals
We added e.g. the date of registration submission, as weel as the possibility to dowload files (like registarion form or festival's rules) anf promo films from YouTube. This list isn't complete - we invite you to lig in and experience the newest portal version. And we'll be happy to hear any comments or suggestions from you. Best regards from Poland,
Chórtownia Team ;)