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Choir: Fundacja Chórtownia
Country: Poland
Starting date: 2020-06-20
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Final info about #calapolskaspiewawdomu (the whole Poland sings at home) project

Final info about #calapolskaspiewawdomu (the whole Poland sings at home) project
On June 23, 2020, we closed admission of recordings to the project and we are finishing the publication of all films, but this is only the beginning of the second life of this project!

The #calapolskaspiewawdomu action was started spontaneously during the lockdown, but its results will certainly last for a long time and will serve many people - from preschoolers to seniors, both in cities and in villages, in Poland and abroad. It has already crossed the Atlantic on one side and Caucasus on the other.
What is #calapolskaspiewawdomu? Choral conductors from all over Poland prepared songs from a song book containing over 100 Polish traditional songs, all of them arranged for 3 voices. Theoretically they should be familiar to all Poles, but we have the impression that all of these songs were known only to the author of arrangements ;) and the action #calapolskaspiewawdomu is meant to popularize them, especially among the younger generation. Many people do not know these songs and will meet them for the first time in a form that will allow them to learn easily - songs are published in the form of videos on the YouTube channel.

Here is the list of artists in alphabetical order:

Michał Jan Barański, Michał Brożek, Katarzyna Brzozowska, Kateryna Ciszak, Agnieszka Dobrakowska, Dianna Domagała, Katarzyna Drucker, Krzysztof Dudzik, Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny, Magdalena Gruziel, Joanna Gutowska-Kuźmicz, Nina Guzy, Krzysztof Hrycyszyn, Tomasz Jamrozik, Lila Jędrzejczak, Małgorzata Kalinowska-Przybylska, Jan Krutul, Krystyna Krzyżanowska-Łoboda, Małgorzata Langer-Król, Izabela Lysik-Różańska, Monika Mielko-Remiszewska, Krystyna Misiukiewicz, Joanna Nowicka, Natasza Nowosadko, Małgorzata Paluch, Natalia Pochwała, Henryk Pogorzelski, Marek Puszczało, Michał Rajewski, Aleksandra Redziak, Iwona Wiśniewska-Salamon, Ludmiła Wocial-Zawadzka, Magdalena Wojtas, Rafał Wróblewski, Edyta Sulimska, Katarzyna Śmiałkowska, Filip Świątkowski i Oskar Zgoła.

Some statistics

A total of 37 choral conductors (and not only conductors) took part in the project and prepared 57 songs, which is more than half of the songbook.

The project turned out to be an international event. 27 cities represented by the conductors are: Białystok, Bieruń, Chełm, Chorzów, Czeski Cieszyn, Gliwice, Głuchołazy, Gorlice, Katowice, Kraków, Koszalin, Lublin, Łódź, Niemcz pod Bydgoszczą, New York, Opole, Piekary Śląskie, Połczyn-Zdrój, Poznań, Ruda Śląska, Szczecin, Tarnowskie Góry, Tychy, Warszawa, Wrocław, Wysowa and Zabrze. We have also one participant from Sicilia.
From April 5 to July 13, the YouTube channel had almost 23,000 views, 164 people subscribed to it, and the total video playback time was over 650 hours.
Most views have the song "Tam w ogródeczku" (There in the garden) prepared by Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny. Several songs have already exceeded one thousand views.
We also received recordings of two songs that are a response to our invitation to make music at home. The song "Idzie Maciek, idzie" was prepared by the youth from the Music School in Ruda Śląska. Melody "Serce w plecaku" (Heart in a backpack) can be heard in the interpretation of a group of friends calling themselves "Cardio singers".

Project gala

On June 26, 2020, the Online Gala was held, to which we also invited guests who said a few words of this project. They were: Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny - program director of the Choir Academy, Daniel Cichy - president of the Polish Music Publishing House and Andrzej Wójcik, editor-in-chief of Śpiewak Śląski, the only magazine devoted to amateur choirs in Poland. Andrzej also represented our partner, the Silesian Association of Choirs and Orchestras. You can watch this event below.

Something to laugh about

We would not be ourselves if we did not maintain a healthy distance to ourselves. Have a laugh with us, watching "Making of" (to the end)!


What's next?

The community has been given a rich set of educational materials, and we stronly hope that it will be used as a repository of Polish national songs. When coming to choral festivals to Poland, your choir can prepare some of these songs and you can be sure that people will be singing with you when you meet somewhere after concerts. 


Until now, I can't shake off the stupor - so many people have joined the action. I didn't realize myself what would be born of it. Were it not for the help of Małgorzata-Kalinowska-Przybylska, who prepared the mix and mastering of soundtracks, Joanna Purszke-Kuropka, who made all the videos, and Krzysztof Dudzik, who was responsible for correspondence, I would be helpless. And thanks to Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny, who supported me with a good word from beginning to end, for Bożena Mrozek from Singing Poland and the Legnica Cantat festival, who shared our posts, and for all of you who wrote very nice things in various comments (all I read!;)) Thank you, beloved! See you at concerts and festivals!

See also

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