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10. Musica Eterna Roma

10th Musica Eterna Roma International Choral Festival & Competition

Data rozpoczęcia2019-07-10
Data zakończenia2019-07-14
Termin zgłoszeń2019-02-15
Kraj, MiastoItaly, Rome
Wpisano 2017-11-27 przez Meeting Music


Musica Eterna in 2019? - Why not?


Since 2005 Rome is host city for  choirs, singers and choral music lovers at our events from all over the world. It is a special place to share the idea of coming together and find yourselves in melodies in eternal city. Inspired by a vibrant atmosphere of friendship everybody is thrilled to share the passion for music and singing together! The idea to unite people through their music, irrespectively of their cultures, habits, religious beliefs and roots is the main goal of meeting music events. 


Musica Eterna Roma invites to sing and to enjoy magnificent days, follow an old telling: “All roads lead to Rome”. Find your place in a wide range of categories for different standards, types of choirs and musical genres for all amateur groups.

Apply for festival activities and Sing! with others at meeting in music Friendship Concerts or improve your skills in Individual Coachings and Evaluation Performances and more!

meeting music
Konrad Adenauer Str. 36
35415 Pohlheim / Germany
tel: +49 6403 9784225


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