CD "The Sound of Europe II"
At the end of April 2015, the CD containing choral national music from 7 countries was released. On the CD there are recordings from Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Poland, Ukraine and HungarySongs contributed by choirs are characteristic for each country. Participating choirs, exept geographical variety, represent also different age groups: starting from famous "Little Singers of Armenia" children choir, to very adult "Tryl" from Toszek, Poland. According to the voice type, we have mixed choirs as well as 80 people boys folk choir "Mdzlevari" from Georgia and small, but beautiful women's vocal ensemble "Geghard" from Geghard Monastery in Armenia. The majority of performing choirs are amateurs, the exception to the rule is Bortniansky Choir from Ukraine.
International team of this CD,'d performers should be enlarged with the author of the picture used on the front of the booklet: her name is Anna Savielieva and sh'e a 15-year old student of Olimpiada Spatari, who runs the School of Art and Graphic in Chisinau, Moldova. And mastering was made by Gabriela Blacha from an excellent Studio B1 from Gliwice.
The CD was issued by Chórtownia foundation, with financial help of the Sponsor, HTM Sp z o.o. from Gliwice, who is the importer of Japanese CNC machines OKUMA. As seen on this example, the distance between the technology and human's voice is not that far...
Participating choirs:
Akademicki Zespół Muzyczny Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice. Conductor– Krystyna Krzyżanowska-Łoboda
Akademicki Chór Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice. Conductor– Tomasz Giedwiłło
Chór Tryl, Toszek. Conductor – Maria Garbal
«Խազեր» կամերային երգչախումբ, դիրիժոր՝ Անի Նավասարդյան
"Khazer" Chamber Choir, Conductor & Artistic Director – Ani Navasardyan -
«Գեղարդ» վոկալ անսամբլ, խմբավար՝ Անահիտ Պապայան, գեղարվեստական ղեկավար՝ Մհեր Նավոյան
Geghard Vocal Encemble, Choral Director – Anahit Papayan, Artistic Director – Mher Navoyan -
«Հայաստանի Ռադիոյի Երգչախումբ», դիրիժոր և գեղարվեստական ղեկավար՝ Տիգրան Հեքեքյան
Armenian National Radio & TV Chamber Choir, Conductor & Artistic Director – Tigran Hekekian -
«Հայաստանի Փոքրիկ Երգիչներ» մանկական երգչախումբ, դիրիժոր և գեղարվեստական ղեկավար՝ Տիգրան Հեքեքյան
Little Singers of Armenia Children Choir, Conductor & Artistic Director – Tigran Hekekian
Академичен хор „Света Парскева”към Национална художествена академия, София
Sveta Paraskeva Academic Choir at the National Academy of Art, Sofia -
Фолклорна формация „Бисера”
Bisera folklore formation
ფოლკლორული ანსამბლი „მძლევარი”
Folk choir "Mdzlevari", Tbilisi
Young Chamber Choir Rapsodia. Conductor & Artistic Director – Natalia Barabanșcicova
Jazz–cvintet „JJ JazZ”, Chisinau. Conductor & Artistic Director – Natalia Barabanșcicova
Академічний камерний хор ім. Д. Бортнянського, Чернігів.
Художній керівник та диригент - Иван Богданов
Academic Chamber Choir after D. Bortniansky, Chernigiv. Conductor & Artistic Director – Ivan Bohdanov) -
Хор АРТОС, Львів, Художній керівник та диригент Наталія Івашків
„Artos” Choir, Lviv. Conductor & Artistic Director –Natalya Ivashkiv
Vox Mirabilis Chamber Choir, Székesfehérvár, Conductor & Artistic Director – Katica Zemlenyi
Profiles of the majority of the choirs can be seen on Chórtownia site, the remaining are being created ;)
This CD is not for sale - contibuting choirs were given their sets for internal, promotional use. There are some CD's left, one can get it in return of a small donation for Chórtownia foundation (covering at least shipping costs).
Enjoy listening!
2015-05-21 · Ewa Musielok-weis |
Podziękowania należą się wszystkim, którzy przyłożyli rękę (lub głos:) do tego projektu, ale szczególnie Justynie - która była motorem tego wszystkiego!
2015-06-02 · Mirek Danch |
2015-06-12 · ნანა ნამორაძე |
With hope for future cooperation.
Maia Chachava
Tbilisi Choral Music Festival
2015-06-21 · Michał Kaszowski |
Oby jak najwięcej takich projektów udawało się zrealizować!
Bardzo polecam, gratuluję i dziękuję za możliwość udziału w projekcie!
2015-07-14 · Michał Rajewski |
Justyno, dziękujemy za propagowanie naszej wschodniej kultury.
2016-05-26 · Андрій Ониськів |