We promote singing in a choir as a lifestyle
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Choir: Fundacja Chórtownia
Country: Poland
Starting date: 2023-06-17
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Come and sing Polish baroque music

Come and sing Polish baroque music
On the first weekend of September we invite you to take part in Workshop Choir which will prepare and perform G.G.Gorczycki's pieces, the magnificent Polish baroque composer, ofter named the Polish Haendel.

Invitation to participate in the 


Chórtownia Workshop Choir


"Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki – Completorium"


August 31-September 3, 2023


On the first weekend of September we invite you to take part in Workshop Choir which will prepare and perform G.G.Gorczycki's “Completorium” and “Laetatus sum” in Bytom, in the parish church of Gorczycki's birth and in Gliwice, the hometown of the Chórtownia Foundation.


What will it be?


During 2 days of rehearsals, the Workshop Choir will prepare Gorczycki’s “Completorium” and “Laetatus sum” - two outstanding works of Polish baroque music, rarely performed by amateur choirs due to the difficulty and the need to employ an instrumental ensemble and soloists. However, many choral singers express their desire to perform these works. 


The program also includes the medieval Polish song “Bogurodzica” in an arrangement written for a special order of Chórtownia. It will be the premiere of this piece - it has not yet been performed live in public (only recorded as part of the Virtual Chórtownia Choir).


Vocal workshops and tutti rehearsals


The event will be held in Gliwice, Poland.

The workshop lessons will be conducted by fantastic singers and vocal technique pedagogues: Barbara Tritt, Damian Suchożebrski, Magda Nogańska and Bartosz Gorzkowski. We anticipate morning section rehearsals in female and male voices. The main  workshop aim will be  improvement of voice emission and equalization of the choir sound. The participants will also have a chance to arrange individual  lessons. Tutti rehearsals and the concerts will be conducted by Łukasz Łoboda.


Participants are required to master their voice parts on their own, as the workshop will focus on perfecting the vocal skills and working on the interpretation of the pieces. Educational materials in the form of sheet music and voice tutorials are available at 






Two concerts will take place as the final part of the project:  the first one on September 2, 2023 in the church of St. Jacek in Bytom-Rozbark, in the parish where Gorczycki was born in 1665. It will be accompanying concert of the 18th International Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki Festival ( which has been held since 2006 and aims to promote classical music, with particular emphasis on the Gorczycki's works). The second one will be held at the Church of St. All Saints in Gliwice on Sunday, September 3, 2023.


Concert program:


Choir: Anonymous, arr. Małgorzata Kalinowska-Przybylska, Bogurodzica

Choir and instrumental ensemble: Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki - “Laetatus sum”

Bartosz Gorzkowski – J.S.Bach - “Deposuit potentes" tenor aria from "Magnificat"

Daniel Oktawian Piotrowski – G.F.Haendel - "Sweet Rose and Lily" - Didimud's aria from the oratorio "Theodora"

Daniel Oktawian Piotrowski - G.F.Haendel -"Place danger around me" - Othniel's aria from the oratorio "Joshua"

Damian Suchożebrski - J.S.Bach -  "Grosser Herr und starker König" - bass aria from "Weihnachts-Oratorium"

Barbara Tritt – G.F.Handel -  "Rejoice greatly" - soprano aria from the oratorio "Messiah"

Choir, instrumental ensemble and soloists: Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki - “Completorium”


Admission to both concerts will be free.


Who can take part in the Workshop Choir?


All people who can master the repertoire on their own, would like to improve their vocal skills at workshops and then participate in concert performances of Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki's works are invited to submit applications.


Registration is open until August 10, 2023, via the contact form available at https://forms.gle/CcUutRN49oNEkbQW8


We have only 40 places in the choir, 10 in each voice. In case of big interest in the project, after a positive artistic evaluation of the candidate, admission to the Choir will be decided in the order of applications.


Due to the very high costs of the project, participation in the project is payable. The participation’s fee is PLN 300 (or 68 EUR). Detailed information can be found in the Regulations at


It is possible to arrange free overnights at choir members'.

Team members


Justyna Dziuma. 

Founder of the Chórtownia Foundation, associated with the amateur choir movement since 1991. Co-founder of the Academic Music Ensemble of the Silesian University of Technology and the Mixed Choir Klaster from Zabrze. Initiator of numerous national and international choir projects.


prof. Krystyna Krzyżanowska-Loboda. 

Conductor and co-founder of the Academic Music Ensemble of the Silesian University of Technology, lecturer at the Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music Karol Szymanowski in Katowice. Currently, he is the choir director of the Silesian Opera, AZM Pol.Śl, and also conducts the Cathedral Choir at the parish of St. Peter and Paul in Gliwice.


Adam Wesolowski.  

Composer, conductor, pianist, music theorist and cultural manager. Adam Wesołowski is a member of the Polish Composers' Union. He composed over 50 pieces and arranged over 100. They are performed both in Poland and abroad at numerous concerts and festivals. Adam Wesołowski is the director of the Silesian Philharmonic in Katowice and the International Festival. G. G. Gorczycki.


Jan Baytel. Musician - flutist, graduate of the  F. Chopin Music University. During his professional activity, he was a soloist of the Polish Radio Orchestra in Warsaw, the Warsaw Chamber Opera, and many studio ensembles recording film music; Director Manager of the Polish Radio Orchestra in Krakow; long-time member of the Main Board of the Association of Polish Artists Musicians; member of the Executive Committee of the FIM (International Federation of Musicians); member of the Copyright Committee at the Minister of Culture; member of the Program Council of Radio Katowice. 

Currently involved in the implementation of projects promoting the  musical performances art.


Agnieszka Linette-Bajsarowicz

A graduate of musicology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Professionally related to culture and media (Radio S Poznań, Radio SuperFM, Telewizja Poznań) and the organization of concert life (Piwnica Farna "Pod Blaszanym Kurem" - Poznań, Cultural Association "Pod Blaszanym Kurem" - Gliwice). Former and current choir singer (Girls' Choir "Skowronki:", Mixed Choir "Polihymnia", currently Mixed Choir "Klaster").


Katarzyna Opielka. 

She graduated from Marburg, Germany, majoring in: Sociology, German, Political Science, and at the University of Physical Education in Poznań, Tourism and Recreation. From 2015 to 2020, she worked for the Museum in Gliwice as a project implementation specialist and acting manager at the House of Remembrance of Upper Silesian Jews, co-creating and coordinating educational, exhibition and publishing projects. Since 2020, he has been running his own business called Kulturopracownia.


Aleksander Lubina

Upper Silesian, Germanist, sworn translator; educator of the Ministry of National Education, expert of the Ministry of National Education, examiner of the Ministry of National Education, advisor and consultant and director in state, local government and private educational institutions; worked in colleges, high schools, middle schools and elementary schools. Co-founder of Club of Upper-Silesian Authors’ Karasol.


Gent Lazri. Creator of the International Academy of Choral Art Choralspace in Berlin, a long-time employee of Interkultur in the choir networking department, publisher of Who is Who in Choral Music.


Kristine Sheroyan. Choral conductor, graduate of the Yerevan Conservatory. President of the Association of Armenian Choral Conductors. A long-time collaborator of the Chórtownia foundation, currently working at Choralspace Berlin.



The project received financial support from the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, the "Victoria" Cultural Center in Gliwice, the City Hall in Bytom.


The project partners are:


• CHORALSPACE - Academy of Choral Arts, Berlin

• Gorczycki.pl Association

• Schola Cantorum Posnaniensis Association

• Academic Music Ensemble of the Silesian University of Technology

• Cultural Association "Pod Blaszanym Kurem"

• Upper Silesian Artists' Club "Karasol"


See also


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