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Kraj: Bulgaria
Data rozpoczęcia: 2024-07-04
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Eurochoir 2024 - Apply before February 18!

Eurochoir 2024 - Apply before February 18!
Applications for the EuroChoir session 2024 are still open!

Conductors: Donka Miteva (BG/DE) and Marco Amherd (CH)

Applications for the EuroChoir session 2024 are still open!

There are many choirs in Europe, but only one EuroChoir! For over 40 years, this project has allowed singers to build a truly international network of choral friends, sharing their passion and dedication. The 2024 session (4-17 July) will be set against the backdrop of some of Bulgaria's most prestigious music festivals, including the Varna Summer International Music Festival, the Solinaria Youth Festival and the Sofia Music Weeks FestivalDiscover the full programme here!

Who can apply?

  • Young singers between 18 and 30 years old (singers over 30 are still able to apply, but priority will be given to younger candidates)
  • Good sight readers ready to prepare scores in advance
  • English will be the working language.

Applications for the EuroChoir 2024 end on 18 February 2024!

Learn more and find all information on how to apply here!

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